Letter to all people

Versión española                                 deutsche Version

For years we have had scientific evidence that irreparable damage will soon be done to our planet.

For years there have been proposals on how we could improve the economy, but they cannot be implemented.

Unfortunately, we forget that we first have to curb our rampant consumption and the production it requires. But how is that possible when we are psychologically forced to buy more and more at every turn by advertising and discount campaigns? Now the Christmas shopping season is starting and many people are afraid that unemployment will increase if not enough is bought.

If the economy were to be reduced to 70 per cent, as would be necessary to stop greenhouse gas emissions, the economic and financial system would collapse. That is why the economy must first be converted to a sustainable form that does not require growth.

It is also important that it must be a form of economy in which the necessary restrictions in consumption are not perceived as a sacrifice.

The other day I stood in front of a peopels kitchen. The food there is free of charge because the ingredients come free of charge from supermarket containers and volunteers use them to prepare delicious dishes. I just wanted to try a little bit and nobody asked me to take a whole plate full. Everyone got something, whether manager or homeless person.

Couldn’t this system be transferred to the whole economy? Everything that is needed there, be it iron ore or grain, is originally given to us by the earth and the sun, they are all gifts of creation, aren’t they? And there are plenty of volunteers. The World Giving Index of the Charities Aid Foundation found that 40 percent of people are willing to volunteer.

This would mean that all the goods that people need to live happily and contentedly could also be provided free of charge. Advertising and growth would no longer exist and nobody would have to fear unemployment.

We would only have to convert the entire economy to this voluntary economic principle and that could happen by 2025. No preparations would be necessary. Today’s global problems would then disappear all by themselves.

All we would have to do is ask everyone around the world:
„Are you willing to work voluntarily if you get everything you need for a contented and happy life for free?“

Please help spread this message. That’s all we need to do.

There are more explanations here.

This is my private website.

Eberhard Licht         info@kuefa.info



Von selbst aus nachhaltig und ökologisch